Monday, October 6, 2008

You would think....

You would think that after doing my own laundry for more than half my life (yep folks, I started doing my own laundry at 12. Make note for your own offspring.) I would remember to close the lid when I start a load. I went to wash my uniforms this morning- yes, I wait til the morning of my first day back at work to launder my uniforms- and low and behold when I went to put them in the dryer at the absolute last possible minute to be dry on time- I forgot to close the lid. So they are not only not dryed, but also not washed.

What a great start to the work work! At least I have off Friday for Michelle's bachelorette party. I get to go out with girls, have drinks, and not have a child or two for my extremities! I am stoked- for myself as well as Ty and Michelle. :)

Which remind me I need to get the girls some dresses for the wedding. I am tempted to have Hannah wear last year's Christmas dress. It's not too holiday-ish. Its cream and forest green. No red. Or Hannah can get a cardigan for one of her sleeveless dresses. Justyce for sure needs a new dress. She doesn't have a dress that isn't sleeveless and I doubt I could convince her to wear a cardigan. She would just want to eat it no matter how much logic I try to instill.

So I decided I need to be more frugal. Our goal is to have me no longer working fulltime by January that way I can go to school. If anyone has any tips on how to make it on one or one and a half incomes I would love to hear them. I need all the advice I can get!

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