Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My <3 Aches...

This is the first time since becoming a parent that I have experienced so much doubt and heartache. We got the results of J's biopsy. She has massive benign lipoblastoma. I am so grateful that our baby girl does not have cancer. I can't put into words the relief I felt when Dr. Schmelzer told me that. Months of worry was lifted. We aren't in the clear yet. We still need to decide how to remove. There is so much to consider. We can remove it surgically or through liposuction. If we remove it surgically, the doctors will be able to get it all and the chance of recurrance is very, very low. If we have it removed through liposuction the chance of being able to remove it all is not likely, so recurrance is greater.

I am leaning towards surgery. I think Chris is still on the fence. Scars fade and my girl can be done with this whole debauchle. I just don't want her to be in any pain. This is so hard on her because she understands so much, yet this she doesn't understand. I don't like seeing her in pain, frustrated, and confused.... I just hurt and want to absorb her hurt...

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