Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"Mom, what was that noise?" "I don't know, Hannah" "Mom, it absolutely wasn't a turtle!"

I am going to start titling my post with Hannah-isms. There are so many everyday. Maybe someday soon we will have J-isms. The Hannah-ism is from driving to Salt Lake last night to meet Daddy and get some dinner. There was a small noise in the truck. I think J dropped her sippy cup.

Hannah got placed in the highest reading group at school, the red reading group. I told her that participating in the group would help her become and excellent reader. To which she replied, "I can already read. I don't need a group." She is so modest. ;) The kid just tells things like it is. Kind of like how she told her great-grandma she was going to grow up and get a tattoo on her back like her mom, its better than getting one on your arm like her aunt. I don't even think my grandma knew I had a tattoo. Thanks, Hannah!

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